Error log: LZ International 6 meter Contest

Station: LZ1GE
Locator: KN22EE
Band: 50 MHz
Category: Stationary
Call-SRST-SNR-SLOC-S Call-RRST-RNR-RLOC-ROth.errChkFound byLost
LZ1GE 59 011 KN22EE EA3MS 59 059 IN01ME (1x)
JN01ME (16x)
CALL no log -3562
LZ1GE 59 016 KN22EE HB9HLM 59 048 JN30KW (1x)
JN36KW (10x)
CALL no log -1461
LZ1GE 599 025 KN22EE LZ1ZP 599 065 INVALD (1x)
KN22ID (6x)
CALL no log -1
LZ1GE 59 027 KN22EE FB4AIF 59 199 JM64HV WNC -1303
LZ1GE 599 028 KN22EE D4Z 599 066 HK76MU WNC -5443
LZ1GE 59 029 KN22EE IG9/I2ADN 59 404 JM65HL WNC -1260
Description of other errors:
WNC = Received big WWL square is outside of the country

Claimed score: 42247
Correct claimed score: 42146
Sum of lost points: -13030
Corrected score: 29116
Errors: 30.9%

Processed by lx 1.66