Error log: LZ International 6 meter Contest

Station: LZ2ZY
Locator: KN13OT
Band: 50 MHz
Category: Stationary
Call-SRST-SNR-SLOC-S Call-RRST-RNR-RLOC-ROth.errChkFound byLost
LZ2ZY 59 003 KN13OT Z66X 59 003 KN02LT WNC -214
LZ2ZY 59 016 KN13OT YT3X 59 020 KN14LE (1x)
KN04LE (7x)
CALL no log -47
LZ2ZY 59 028 KN13OT F6GWV/IT9 59 044 JM68WA WNC -1014
LZ2ZY 59 043 KN13OT IW2NRI 59 032 JN54NR (1x)
JN45NR (4x)
CALL no log -967
LZ2ZY 59 072 KN13OT DL7AOS 59 036 JN48NL (1x)
JN48QF (3x)
CALL no log -1201
LZ2ZY 59 093 KN13OT TM1W 59 081 JN88AI (1x)
IN88AI (4x)
CALL no log -749
LZ2ZY 59 125 KN13OT CT3DIZ 59 240 IM58KP WNC -2746
LZ2ZY 59 126 KN13OT D4Z 59 028 HK76MU WNC -5405
LZ2ZY 59 133 KN13OT IG9/I2ADN 59 300 JM65HL WNC -1295
Description of other errors:
WNC = Received big WWL square is outside of the country

Claimed score: 210230
Sum of lost points: -13638
Corrected score: 196592
Errors: 6.5%

Processed by lx 1.66