Error log: LZ International 6 meter Contest

Station: YT1Z
Locator: KN13CT
Band: 50 MHz
Category: Stationary
Call-SRST-SNR-SLOC-S Call-RRST-RNR-RLOC-ROth.errChkFound byLost
YT1Z 59 060 KN13CT HB9BKT 59 019 JN46WE (1x)
JN46WX (3x)
CALL no log -1004
YT1Z 59 105 KN13CT F6GWV/IT9 59 183 JM68WA WNC -951
YT1Z 59 108 KN13CT LZ2BDS 59 013
KN13KX Y all but NRr -57
YT1Z 59 130 KN13CT D4Z 59 019 HK76MU WNC -5329
YT1Z 599 131 KN13CT LZ2T 599 151 KN13RI NIL
Y -113
YT1Z 59 141 KN13CT IG9/I2ADN 59 347 JM65HL WNC -1237
YT1Z 599 159 KN13CT LZ2T599 183 KN13RI DDUPEY -0
YT1Z 59 164 KN13CT LY2HS59 023 KO25UO DDUPE -0
YT1Z 599 167 KN13CT LA0BY599 010 JO59FW DDUPE -0
Description of other errors:
NIL = Not in the log
WNC = Received big WWL square is outside of the country
DDUPE = Declared DUPE or zero-point QSO

Claimed score: 210043
Sum of lost points: -8691
Corrected score: 201352
Errors: 4.1%

Processed by lx 1.66