Error log: LZ International 6 meter Contest

Station: LY5W
Locator: KO15TA
Band: 50 MHz
Category: Stationary
Call-SRST-SNR-SLOC-S Call-RRST-RNR-RLOC-ROth.errChkFound byLost
LY5W 599 016 KO15TA YO6FNA 599 099 KN36BS (1x)
KN36BA (2x)
CALL no log -934
LY5W 59 030 KO15TA YO9XC 59 022 KN35ID (1x)
KN35JD (log)
Y all but WWLr -1120
LY5W 59 043 KO15TA IP9X 59 002 JM68IE WNC -2044
LY5W 59 111 KO15TA TM6Y 59 031 JN04PA (1x)
JN04PO (6x)
CALL no log -2009
LY5W 59< 000 KO15TA HB9CIC 599 024 JN47HQ SNZ -1319
LY5W 59< 000 KO15TA F8LLA 599 010 JN36AL SNZ -1553
LY5W 59< 000 KO15TA EA5DF 599 190 IM99RM SNZ -2486
LY5W 59< 000 KO15TA TM5MCC 599 003 JN17RR SNZ -1610
LY5W 59< 000 KO15TA F8ATS 599 078 JN18DP SNZ -1620
LY5W 59< 000 KO15TA HB9BAS 599 018 JN37SM SNZ -1391
Description of other errors:
SNZ = Sent number is zero
WNC = Received big WWL square is outside of the country

Claimed score: 226844
Sum of lost points: -16086
Corrected score: 210758
Errors: 7.1%

Processed by lx 1.65